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Science warms to Intelligent Design – but still denies God

Science spent a long time telling us all that this world was a cosmic happenstance – the winner of a celestial lottery that set all things to perfection, yet there are far too many happy coincidences to ignore. The ratio of scale/distance between the earth, the moon, and the sun (if you have never researched this please do – and be amazed) is an indicator of just how precise our cosmic alignment is and had to be for all of this to work. Intelligent design was deemed to be the stuff of small minds – God, a crutch for those unable to conceive of bigger pictures and loftier notions… until now. Now, science has decided – well, perhaps all of this is too convenient. They’ve decided that all of this may be, in fact, a simulation.

Hmmm… so, intelligent design?

Well, yes – but sans God. Science is supposed to look for the simpler answers – but often confounds itself in dogma and ideology – some might say that in and of itself is religion. However, the more we come to understand the world and the universe we live in and the rules that have been set in place within it (speed of light, etc.), the more we tick off the list of scientific excuses. Some theoretical physicists have gone so far as to say the likelihood that we are living in a simulation is higher than 50/50… well, bravo… so cutting edge.

The fact is that science has known for a long time that something was amiss, but its vanity has always trumped its morality. There are experiments wherein outcomes change based on whether or not the event is VIEWED. Let me repeat that… they have done light experiments, and have proved that OBSERVATION affects REALITY (look into the double-slit experiment and prepare to be creeped out). Consciousness is the X factor, and I’m not sure that all of us possess it. It is the “God spark”, that sets us apart. It is the thing that begs us to question and yet at the same time allows us to deny. I long for a time when men were simpler and their answers more truthful. If that’s a crutch – so be it.

Job 12:7-9
7 “But ask the beasts, and they will teach you;
the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you;
8 or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you;
and the fish of the sea will declare to you.
9 Who among all these does not know
that the hand of the Lord has done this?